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六年级英语知识点总结 第1篇

Unit 2 Last weekend


clean---cleaned my room 打扫我的房间 last weekend 上个周末

wash ---washed my clothes 洗我的衣服 last Monday上个星期一

stay---stayed at home 待在家里 表示 last night昨晚

动词 watch---watched TV 看电视 过去时间 yesterday evening昨天晚上

drink---drank tea 喝茶 yesterday昨天

have---had a cold 感冒 the day before yesterday前天

see---saw a film 看电影

read---read a book 看书

sleep---slept 睡觉


cook--cooked the food visit--visited my grandparents play--played football

study--studied English do ---did something else go---went boating make---made the beds

show演出 magazine 杂志 better更好的(good,well的比较级) faster(更快的) hotel(旅馆) fixed(修理) broken(破损的) lamp (台灯) loud(喧闹的,大声的) enjoy(享受…乐趣,喜爱) stay(暂住,逗留)



构成规则: 发音规则:

1 一般动词在词尾加上ed 。如:worked , washed played

2 以e 结尾的动词在词尾加上 如 :used, lived

3 以辅音字母和y结尾的动词改y为i ,再加上ed . 如:studied , emptied

4 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,双写最后的辅音字母,

再加ed 如:stopped ①在浊辅音和元音后面读/d/




? 特殊疑问句

—— What did you do yesterday / last weekend ? —— I did my homework .

? 一般疑问句,把did提前

—— Did you help your parents clean the room ? ( 当句子变为一般疑问句,动词应还原成动词原形)

—— Yes , I did ./No, I didn’t .


---How was your weekend? ---It was good, thank 你周末过得怎么样?很好,谢谢。

---What did you do? ---I stayed at home with your We drank tea in the afternoon and watched

你(周末)干什么? 我和你奶奶待在家里。我们喝了下午茶,还看了电视。

---Did you do anything else? 你还做了其他什么事吗?

---Yes, I cleaned my room and washed my 是的,我打扫了房间,还洗了衣服。

I want to buy the new film 我想买期新的电影杂志。

--- What did you do last weekend? Did you see a film? 你上周末干什么?你看电影了吗?

--- No, I had a I stayed at home all weekend and 没有,我感冒了。整个周末都待在家里睡觉。

六年级英语知识点总结 第2篇

Unit 4 Then and now


dining hall 饭厅 ago 以前

gym 体育馆 …years ago …年前

grass 草坪 表示 …months ago …月前


cycling 去骑自行车运动 ice-skate 滑冰 play badminton 打羽毛球

go cycling 去骑自行车


last month 上个月 last year 去年 at that time 在那时


star星 easy 容易的 look up 查阅 Internet 互联网 different 不同的

active 活跃的 race赛跑 nothing 没有什么 thought 想 felt 感觉 cheetah 猎豹

trip 绊倒 woke 醒 wake up 醒来 at night 在晚上 play basketball 打篮球

use the Internet 使用互联网 wear glasses 戴眼镜 dream 梦 win the race 赢得比赛

have a race with… 和…进行一场赛跑



There was no + 单数名词或不可数名词 + 过去时间。There was no library in my old

There were no + 复数名词 + 过去时间。There were no computers or Internet in my

注意: no+ 名词相当于not a / an / any + 名词。 There weren’t any computer rooms at There was no gym ,


I didn’t like + 名词或动名词。如:

Before I didn’t like Before I didn’t like Before I didn’t like going


I couldn’t + 动词原形。 I couldn’t go cycling People couldn’t use the Internet in the Tang


① 外貌和性格:Before, 主语+was / were +形容词. Now,主语+am / is / are +形容词.

Before I wasn’t I was Now I am I am

Before she had short Now she has long

Before he didn’t wear Now he wears

②能力方面:Before, 主语+couldn’t +动词原形. Now, 主语+can +动词原形.

Before I couldn’t Now I can swim very

③爱好方面:Before, 主语+didn’t like +名词 / 动词 Now, 主语+like +名词 /动词

Before he didn’t like reading Now he likes reading


There was no library in my old 我以前的学校里没有图书馆。

Tell us about your school, 请给我们讲讲您的学校吧。

How do you know that? 你怎么知道的?I looked it up on the 我在网上查阅。

There were no computers or Internet in my 我那时候没有电脑也没有网络。

Before, I was Now, I’m very active in 以前我很安静。现在我在课堂上很活跃。

I was short, so I couldn’t ride my bike very Now, I go cycling every


What was Grandpa’s school like ? 爷爷的学校是什么样子的?

How did Mike change? 迈克是怎样改变的?

What did you dream about last night? 你昨晚梦到什么?

六年级英语知识点总结 第3篇



如:My eyes are bigger than school bag is heavier than computer is nicer than Nancy’ brother is stronger than


表示某人有(has用于第三人称单数);There is/ are;

There was/ were表示某地存在有

注意There be句型的就近原则

单数或不可数用there is /was;

复数用there are/



如:My glasses were on the chair just


如:There is a pair of chopsticks on the pair of earphones is for




如:There is an ’s’,a ‘t’,a ‘u’,a ‘d’ ,an ‘e’,an ‘n’,and a ‘t’ in the word ‘student’.




如6:10读成six ten;7:30读成seven thirty;8:45读成eight forty-five;



如:6:10读成ten past six;7:30读成half past seven;


如7:45读成a quarter to eight;9:50读成ten to ten;



八去t,九去e,ve要用f替(即eigh—eighth;nine—ninth;five-- fifth ;twelve—twelfth);





用the+序数词+ of +月

如:三月三日the third of March;

12月25日the 25th of


如:My parents are both


如:The students are all very




如:at Christmas;on Christmas Day;at New Year;on New Year’s

六年级英语知识点总结 第4篇

Unit 1 How tall are you?


tall ------ taller 高的----更高的 dinosaur 恐龙

short ------ shorter 矮的/短的----更矮的/更短的 hall 大厅

long ------ longer 长的----更长的 than 比

strong------ stronger 强壮的----更强壮的 both 两个都

old ------ older 老的/旧的----更老的/更旧的 meter 米

形容词 young------ younger 年轻的----更年轻的 kilogram千克;公斤

small------ small 小的----更小的 others size 号码

thin ------ thinner 瘦的----更瘦的 feet 脚

heavy------heavier 重点----更重的 wear 穿

low------ lower 低地----更低地 countryside乡村

smart------smarter 聪明的 ----更聪明的 shadow 影子;阴影


辅+元+辅 --------双写最后一个辅音字母+er 辅音字母+y -----改y为i +er

big-----bigger 大的-----更大的 happy-----happier 开心的-----更开心的

thin-----thinner 瘦的-----更瘦的 heavy-----heavier 重的------更重的

fat-----fatter 胖的------更胖的 funny-----funnier 滑稽的------更滑稽的


⑴ 问年龄,身高,体重等

How old are you? How tall are you? How heavy are you?

---- I’m _______ (years old). ---- I’m ______metres ---- I’m ______ kilograms .

⑵ 问物品的情况:

① How large is your room? 你的房间有多大?

It’s __________ m2 (square ) 有_______ 平方米。

② How long is your bed? 你的床有多长?

It’s _________cm 有______厘米长。

③ How big are your feet? (= What size are your shoes?) 你的脚有多长?

I wear size (= My shoes are ) 我穿_______码的鞋。

⑶ 形容谁比谁更… …


① 主语 + be is ( even/much ) …er than …


如:I am taller than 我比你高。

I am 4 cm taller than your 我比你弟弟高4cm .

I am taller and stronger than your 我比你的弟弟更高更壮。

Jack is even stronger than his Jack 甚至比他爸爸还壮。

Zhang Peng and John are much younger than 张鹏和John 比 Green 要年轻多了。


That’s the tallest dinosaur in this 那是这个厅里最高的恐龙。

It’s taller than both of us 它比我俩加起来还高。

Your feet are bigger than 你的脚比我的大。

There are more dinosaurs over 那儿有更多的恐龙。

Who is taller than you? 谁比你高?

You are becoming a big beautiful 你将要变成一只美丽的大鸟。

The sun gets lower and lower, but my shadow gets longer and 太阳变得越来越低,我的影子变得越来越长。

六年级英语知识点总结 第5篇



如:It is raining


It is six o’clock


My parents are reading newspapers in the sitting


Look! The children are having a running race




表示经常反复发生的事情或动作,常与often,usually,sometimes,always,every day(week year…) on Sundays等词连用。

结构是主语+动词原形;当主语为第三人称单数即he,she,it,Tom,my mother,the boy等词时,动词后加s或

如:We have an English lesson every


Do the boys run faster than the girls? Yes,they




表示发生在过去的事情或存在的状态,常与just now;a moment ago;… ago;yesterday;last ( week;month;year;Monday;weekend);this morning等词连用。



如:My earphones were on the ground just


Where were you last week? I was at a


What did you do yesterday? I visited a farm





表示将要打算发生的事情或动作,常与tomorrow,next week(year;Tuesday…),this week( weekend ;evening;afternoon;…)today等词连用。结构是主语+be(am,is,are) going to +动原或主语+will +动原。

如:What are you going to do tomorrow? I am going to have a


The childre are going to have a sports meeting next


Tom will/is going to see a play with his father this





如:The girl can’t swim,but he can


Don’t talk in class,you should listen to the teacher




如:Open the box for me ,


Liu Tao! Please get up earlier


Don’t walk on the grass!


Helen! Don’t climb the tree,



去干嘛用go +动词ing

如: go swimming;go fishing;

go skating;

go camping;

go running;

go skiing;

go rowing…



如:My mother is two years younger than my


Liu Tao jumps as far as



用like +动词ing或like+ to +动原。

如:Su Yang likes growing


The children like to play with lanterns at Spring



用would like +to+动原或want + to +动原。

例:I’d like to visit the History want to visit the History Museum


如:Can I have some writing paper? Would you like some orange juice?

六年级英语知识点总结 第6篇

Unit 6 How do you feel?

Part A


①形容词:angry生气的 afraid害怕的 ill生病的 worried担心的




Hey, let’s have some

Yum! I ’m so I love popcorn!

Here you 【1】 I ’ll go and get some wait for 【2】

Hey, where is my popcorn?

Yum! It was so

What? How could you eat all the popcorn?!【3】We should share!

Mum, if I feel angry, what should I do?【4】

Well,first,take a deep 【5】Then you should count to


After that, you won’t feel so

Mum, I feel Should I count to ten,too?

No,dear,you should see a

1、Here you are!给你!


①在倒装句中,如果主语是人称代词,则主语与谓语不倒装,构成“+ 主语 + 谓语动词”部分倒装结构。

例句:Here we are!我们到了!

Away he went!他离开了!


例句:Here comes the bus!公共汽车来了

There goes Mike!麦克走去那边了

2、wait 等待; wait for sb/sth 等待某人/某物

3、How could you eat all the popcorn?!你怎么能吃光所有的爆米花?!



这是一个由how引导的含有情态动词could的特殊疑问句,其基本句型为:how could + sb + 动词原形 + 其他?;该句型意为“某人怎么能做某事呢?” ,用于表示震惊、强烈反感或愤怒。其中could也可以换为can。

How can you say that?你怎么可以说那样的话?!

How can you eat up my apples?你怎么可以吃光我的苹果?!

4、If I feel angry, what should I do?


Feel angry, “感觉是生气的/感觉很生气”

Feel 是连系动词,连系动词兼有be动词和行为动词的双重性质。



I feel ill 我感觉是生病的/ 我感觉生病了!

I don’t feel ill 我没感觉生病!

Do you feel ill?你感觉生病了吗?

What should I do?我应该做什么?

5、Well,first,take a deep


First,意为“第一” ,是one的序数词,“第一”经常引申为“首先”的意思,表示句子里的谓语动作是最先/第一个做的!

Let ’s clean the bedroom first!让我们首先来打扫房间!


Sam:What’s this cartoon about?【1】

Saran:It ’s about a The cat is a police

Sam:He chases the They’re afraid of 【2】


Sam:Because the mice are They hurt The cat is angry with【3】

Saran:Maybe our cat is chasing a mouse now!【4】

1、What’s this cartoon about?


I want to see a film about space travel我想看一部太空旅行的电影

Be about sth,“是关于的”

划线部分提问:It is about a

What is it about?

2、be afraid 对是很害怕的;害怕

Children are always afraid of

The mice are afraid of cats

3、be angry 对是很生气的;生的气

Because Mike doesn’t finish homework,the teacher is angry with

She is angry with me

4、Maybe our cat is chasing a mouse now!

Maybe,意为“也许”, 一般放在句首;


Sarah is watching TV in the living room

Mike is reading bookstore in the study



1、生气的_________ 2、害怕的_________ 3、担心的____________

4、穿____________ 5、深的___________ 6、呼吸____________

7、受伤__________ 8、觉得感到_________ 9、担心____________

10、陷住_____ 1 1、拉拽_______ 12、有病的____________

13、mouse(复数)____________ 14、hurt(过去式)____________


1、看病____________ 2、深深吸一口气____________

3、数到十____________ 4、害怕___________ 5、过来____________ 6、下一次____________ 7、wear warm clothes____________

8、do more exercise____________9、感到生气____________


( )’s the cat doing ? He is

chase mouses chasing mice mousse

( )! How__________he students are on the playground!

tired happy

( )’s__________with you?

sad ill wrong

( ) Don’ will help

wrong happy Worry

( ) feels She should ________this

eat some fruit to school the doctor

( ) ________ Sara feel?

do did

( ) __________are you going?

Where What where

( ) We__________ alw ays be nice to each

should would will

( ) My uncle is a

at on

( ) My mother is

fo r of with


cat______ ______ 这只猫很生他的气。

I’m afraid of seeing a What should I do ?

You should ____ ___ ___ ____(深呼吸)and _____ to (数到十)

His mother works in a (改为否定句)


He feels (就划线部分提问)


feels (改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答)


6、______ could you ______all the popcorn?!We should ______ !



( )Where is the cinema? He is

( )What should I do? He is a

( )How does he feel now? Yes, he

( )What does your father do? should see a

( )Does he live in Beijing? ’s next to the


,are ,they, about ,books ,science


2 go, the, to ,can, zoo ,time, next ,we


, to ,go, the ,today, cinema, we


worried, the, are, Amy, and, dog


, Robin, grass, is, sit, to , the,

_ __________________________________________


I’m happy Beacause I have no lessens on I get up very When I wash my face,it is about ten So I have no time for my My mother is not think it’s not heathy for have chicken and rice for that,I go to the park with my It takes us about ten minutes to get there by bi There are many people in the There is a big lake in the middle of the Some children are swimming, some are boating with their I like boating very I want to boat, We have a good time How happy we are!

( ) I m boating in the park with my

friends and mother

( ) I often ______ on

go to school get up early get up late go to bed late

( ) On Saturdays, there are _______ people in the

much much little of

( ) I like ______ very


( ) I have no lessons

day on Sunday today

Part B


See a doctor看医生 do more exercise 做更多的运动

Wear warm clothes穿暖和的衣服 take a deep breath深呼吸

Count to ten数到十


Mum:Sarah,Sam,come here【1】,

Sarah:What’s wrong?【2】

Mum:Your father is should see a doctor this morning, so we can’t go to the zoo

Sam:Oh, no!

Mum:Don’t be 【3】We can go next 【4】

Sam:How does Dad feel now?【5】

Mum:Not ’s go to the hospital!

1、come here,“来这里” ,反义词:go there “去那边”

2、What ’s wrong?直译:“ 什么是错的,有问题的?”

引申:“ 怎么了?/ 有什么问题?”


其后可以接上介词with,引入对象,“ what is wrong with sb/sth?” 。

What is wrong with you?

Mike broke my glasses,I feel

What is wrong with your computer?

My computer doesn’t

同义句:what is wrong with sb/sth? = what is the matter with sb/sth?

3、Don’t be sad!不要难过了!


在祈使句中,don’t 后面可以加两类谓语动作,即1类含有be动词的状态类动作,也可以加2类含有行为动词的具体动作;

Don’t be angry 不要(是生气了的)状态 → 不要生气了

Don’t be worried 不要(是担心的)状态 → 不要担心

Don’ t worry 不要担心

Don’ t cry 不要哭

4、next time 下一次

Next,意为“下一个” ,next weekend 下周末,next Monday 下一星期一

5、How does dad feel now?

这是用来询问某人感受的句型,既可以用来询问情绪,也可以用于询问身体状况。其基本句型为: How do/does sb feel+其他?,意为:某人感觉如何?

回答: I feel

划线部分提问: How do you feel?

How does she feel?

She feels hungry

三、read and write重要句子

1、It is a sunny morning = it is sunny


It’s + a + 描述天气的形容词 + = it is + 描述天气的形容词


What is the weather like?= How is the weather? 天气如何?

描述天气的形容词:sunny晴朗的 snowy下雪的 rainy下雨的

cloudy多云的 windy有风的

2、He is stuck in the 他陷在泥里了;

Be stuck 陷在里

3、It is the ant and all of his 原来是那个小蚂蚁和它的朋友们

All of 全部的

4、they pull Robin out of the mud 它们把罗宾从泥土里拉出来

Pull out of sth 从把拉出来

Pull out 拉出来, of 从地方

The monkey king throw Zac away of the tree

I get out of the teacher’s office

四、story time重要句子

1、My favorite TV show is on soon

在这里,on 不是介词“在上面”的意思,在这里它是形容词,意为“开着的;发生着的,正在进行中的”

The light is 灯还开着

2、He must be making lots of popcorn


He is making lots of popcorn → He must be making lots of popcorn

You are joking → you must be joking

3、I ’m a lttle worried now

A little,意为“一点点” , 可放在形容词或者不可数名词前面,表示一点点

I ’ a little hungry 我有一点点饿了

There is a little water in the bottle 瓶子里还有一点点水

4、but they take a long time to grow



在这个句子里,to grow 是用修饰它前面的名词time,time to grow,即“生长的时间”, 用动词不定式后置的方式来修饰名词的做法是非常常见的。

She make a decision to watch TV

名词 动词不定式

I have a good friend to play with

名词 动词不定式


一、 看图片,写单词。

_____________ ___________ _______ _________ ____________



( ) My mother is going to buy me a new I am very

( ) I broken my I feel

( ) I am so I want to eat some hot

( ) I don’t feel Maybe I am

( ) The new teacher is very I am _______ of


I’ll go and get some

wait for

a deep Then you ___________ feel so

The mice ______________ not

our cat is ______________the mice


My little puppy is I am

happy sad angry

and her cat are

worry worried worries

Come _____________,

here to here there

We can go ________

last next on

---How_____________ Sam feel?---_________ is

do; She does; She does; He

( )6 The cat is angry________the A to B of C with

( )7 The mice are afraid ________the A to B of C with

( )8 The mouse A hurts B hurts C hurting

( )9 The mice A hurts B hurts C hurting

( )10How ____Dad feel now? A do B does C doing


If you are ill, you should (看医生)

If you want to be strong, you should (做更多的锻炼)

If you feel cold, you should (穿更多的衣服)

If you are angry, you should _______________________(深吸一口气)and (数到十)

八、 情景选择我最棒。

( ) 你想知道卡通片是关于什么的,你会问:___________

What’s the cartoon?

What’s the cartoon about?

How is the cartoon?

( ) 猫对老鼠很生气, 应该这样说:_________

The cat is angry with the

The mice are angry with the

The cat is angry to the

( ) 你想知道你朋友怎么了, 你会说:_______________

What’s wrong?

Do you feel ill? Are you ill?

( ) 朋友的水杯不小心打碎了,你应该对她说:_________

Don’t be

Don’t be

Don’t be

九、 大家来找茬。 选出句子中错误的一项,并把正确答案写在横线上。

How do Sam feel now?

A B C ______________

You should to see a

A B C ______________

What should I doing?

A B C ______________

The cat is a police

A B C ______________

Because the mice is

A B C ______________

十、 按要求完成句子。

我怕这只狮子。(汉译英) I’m _____________ _____________ the

How does your father feel? (用angry来回答) He ______________

Amy is so (写出反义句)Amy is so

The cartoon is about a cat and a (就画线部分提问)

____________ the cartoon ________________?

Xiaolin wants to be (给他个合理的建议) You ____________ do ___________

十一、阅读短文, 判断句子对“T”错“F”。

It’s cold Mary feels cold and she can’t get up on Her mother asks “What’s wrong?”“I feel very Maybe I am ” Mary Her mother is worried and says,” Let’s go to the hospital and see a I’m sure you’ll be better ”

( ) What’s the weather like today?

It’s cold It’s

( ) Can Mary get up on time?

Yes, she No, she can’

( ) What’s the wrong with Mary?

She is She is

( ) Where are Mary and her mother going?

They are going to the They are going to the

( ) How does Mary’s mother feel?

She is She is


1 of are They afraid

2 cat with them is The angry ._______________________________________

3 is ill father Your ._________________________________________

4 a doctor see should You morning



( ) should would house soup

( ) angry hungry cry story

( ) grass class glass pass

( ) next sit count don’t

( ) feel meet beef deep

Ⅱ. 从下列每组单词中选出不同类的一项。

( ) work pilot postman doctor

( ) bus plane foot taxi

( ) wear where what how

( ) park grass flower tree

( ) post office cinema science hospital

Ⅲ. 选择题。

( ) I feel should this

eat some fruit go to school C .see the doctor

( ) The cat is angry

for of with

( ) John’s mother buys him a new is .

angry happy good

( ) Don’t .I won’t sit on

wrong happy worry

( ) My father is a works the

at on

( ) How Sam feel?

do does is

( ) are you going?

Where What where

( ) We ______ always be nice to each

should would will

( ) How do you get to the USA from China?

On foot By bike By plane

( ) Does he like singing?

Yes,she No,he No, he doesn’


are you going to do ?(明天)

cat is (害怕)of

is is .(难过的)

Peng likes .(踢足球)

little ant is (担心的,发愁的)

Ⅴ. 把相应的答句的序号填写在问句的括号内。

( )Where is the cinema? He is

( )What should I do? He is a

( )How does he feel now? Yes, he

( )What does your father do? should see a

( )Does he live in Linyi? ’s next to the

Ⅵ. 连词成句

take, I , a, deep, should, ( . )


worried, the, are, Amy, and, ( . )


, if, angry, feel, I, should, do, I( ? )


, should, what, ( ? )


, Robin, grass, is, sit, to , the, ( . )


Ⅶ. 阅读理解

I am a I have lessons from Monday to On Sunday morning, I usually get up very I wash my face and then go out to do morning It is about nine After I eat my I often go to the park with my The park is not far (远) from our home, so we go there by It takes us about ten minutes to get there by There are many people in the They are men and women, old and Parents must look after their There is a big lake in the middle of the Some children are swimming, some are boating with their I like boating very I want to boat, My parents buy three We have a good time How happy we are!

( ) have lessons ______days a

four six seven

( ) I often ______ on

go to school get up early get up late go to bed late

( ) On Sundays, there are _______ people in the

much much little of

( ) I like ______ very


( ) I m boating in the park with my

friends and mother

六年级英语知识点总结 第7篇

Unit1 How can I get there?

key words(重点单词)

museum 博物馆 postoffice 邮局

bookstore 书店 cinema 电影院

hospital 医院 restaurant 餐馆

crossing 十字路口 turn left/ right 左转

go straight 笔直走 map 地图

compass 指南针 GPS定位系统

next to 与相邻 near在附近

key sentence patterns (重点句型)

Where is the cinema? 电影院在哪?

It’s next to the 它紧邻书店。

How can I get there? 我怎样到那儿?

Turn left at the 在书店左转。

Turn right at the 在医院右转。

--Is it far? 那儿远吗?

--No, it’s 不,它很近。

Unit2 Ways to go to school

key words(重点单词)

on foot 步行

by/ bus/ plane/ ship/ subway/ bike/ sled/ 乘坐

slow down 减速 stop 停,停车站

trafficlights 交通信号灯 fast 快的

must/ should/ 等情态动词

key sentence patterns (重点句型)

Stop and wait at a red


Slow down and stop at a yellow


Go at a green 绿灯行。

How do you go to school?


Usually, I go on 通常我走路去。

In the USA, people on bikes must wear


Don't go at the red light! 别闯红灯!

I must pay attention to the traffic lights!


Unit3 My weekend plan

key words(重点单词)

visit my grandparents 拜访我的祖父母

see a film 看电影 take a trip 去旅行

go to the supermarket 去超市

this morning/ afternoon/ evening 今天早上

next week下周 comic 滑稽的

comic book 儿童连环画 word book 单词书

postcard 明信片

key sentence patterns (重点句型)

What are you going to do tomorrow?


I'm going to have an English


We're going to cook in Renmin


Where are you going? 你们打算去哪儿?

We're going to the


are you going? 你们什么时候去?

Unit4 I have a pen

key words(重点单词)


like dancing/ singing 喜欢跳舞/唱歌

like reading stories/ playing football


like doing kung fu 喜欢练武术

key sentence patterns (重点句型)

What are your hobbies? 你有什么爱好?

What are Peter's hobbies?


He likes reading 他喜欢读故事。

--Does he live in China? 他住在中国吗?

--No, he doesn' 不,他不在。

--Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking?


-- Yes, he 是的,他喜欢。









Unit5 What does he like?

key words(重点单词)

factory worker 工厂工人 postman 邮递员

businessman 商人企业家 policeofficer 警察

fisherman 渔民 scientist 科学家

pilot 飞行员 coach 教练

teacher 教师 student 学生

doctor 医生 nurse护士

policeman警察 dancer舞者

key sentence patterns (重点句型)

What does he do? 他是做什么的?

He is a 他是一个学生。

He's a 他是个商人。

Where does he work? 他在哪儿工作?

He works at 他在海上工作。

How does he go to work? 他怎么上班?

He goes to work by


Unit6 How do you feel?

key words(重点单词)

angry 生气 afraid 害怕

sad 难过的 worried 担心的

happy 高兴 see adoctor 看病

take a deep breath 深深吸一口气

count to ten 数到十 ill 有病

key sentence patterns (重点句型)

What's wrong? 怎么了?

I am happy/ sad/ 我很高兴/难过/生气。

We are 我们很担心。

Your father is 你爸爸病了。

He should see a doctor this


Don't be 别伤心。

They are afraid of 他们怕他。

The cat is angry . 这只猫很生气。


六年级英语知识点总结 第8篇

Unit 3 Where did you go?


go fishing--- went fishing 去钓鱼 Labour Day 劳动节

go camping --- went camping 去野营 mule 骡子

go swimming--- went swimming 去游泳 Turpan 吐鲁番

动词词组 ride a bike--- rode a bike 骑自行车 could (can的过去式)能

及其过去式 ride a horse--- rode a horse 骑马 其它: till 直到

hurt my foot--- hurt my foot 我的脚受伤 beach 海滩;沙滩

take pictures--- took pictures 照相 basket 篮;筐

buy gifts--- bought gifts 买礼物 part 角色

eat fresh food--- ate fresh food 吃新鲜的食物 licked (lick的过去式)舔

fall off---fell off 从…摔倒 laughed(laugh的过去式)笑


? 一般疑问句,把did提前

— Did you help your parents clean the room ? ( 当句子变为一般疑问句,动词应还原)

— Yes , I did ./No, I didn’t .

? 特殊疑问句 : 疑问词+did+主语+V原形+其它?

—Where did you go on your holiday? 假期你去了哪里?

—I went to 我去了新疆.

—What did you do on your holiday?你假期干了什么?

—I sang and 我即唱了歌又跳了舞.

—How did you go there? 你怎样去的?

—I went by 我坐火车去的.

—When did you go? 你什么时候去的? —I went last 我上周一去的.


--- What happened ? --I fell off my bike and hurt my 怎么了?我从自行车上摔下来了,并且弄伤了我的脚。

---Are you all right? ---I’m OK 你还好吧? 现在没事了。

Where did you go over the winter holiday? 在寒假期间你去了哪儿?

It looks like a 它看起来像头骡子。

---Did you go to Turpan? ---Yes, we 你们去过吐鲁番了吗? 是的,去了。

---Hainan is far from How did you go there? 海南离这儿很远。你们怎么去的?

---We went there by 我们坐飞机去那儿的。

Sounds great! Can I see your pictures sometime? 听上去不错!改天我能看看你的照片吗?

Come and look at my photos from the Labour Day 来看我劳动节假期的照片。

---Who did you go with? ---My parents and my 你和谁一起去的? 我父母和我叔叔。

saw lots of grapes and ate lots of mutton 我看见了许多葡萄,吃了许多烤羊肉串。

was the beach? ---It was 沙滩怎么样? 它很美。

sat in a basket on the front of the 马克斯坐在自行车前面的(车)筐里。

took pictures of the beautiful 我们拍了美丽乡村的照片。

