
时间:2022-12-04 14:00:24 演讲稿


初三英语演讲稿 第1篇

I believe in our future

Honorable Judges, fellow students:

Good afternoon!

Recently, ther is a heated debate in our The college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive e_ceptional education at e_traordinary But will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against all odds Will we be able to better the lives of others Will we be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of our country

The cynics say the college students are the pampered lost generation, which would cringe at the slightest But the cynics are The college students I see are eagerly learning about how to live We help each other clean the dormitory, go shopping and bargain together, and take part time jobs to supplement our pocket

The cynics say we care for nothing other than grades; and we neglect the need for character But again, the cynics are We care deeply for each other, we cherish freedom, we treasure justice, and we seek Last week, thousands of my fellow students had their blood type tested in order to make a contribution for the children who suffer from blood

As college students, we are adolescents at the critical turning point in our We all face a fundamental choice: cynicism or faith, each will profoundly impact our future, or even the future of our I believe in all my fellow Though we are still ine_perienced and even a little bit I believe that we have the courage and faith to meet any challenge and take on our We are preparing to assume new responsibilities and tasks, and to use the education we have received to make our world a better I believe in our

初三英语演讲稿 第2篇

How do you do!

I am from a high (3) a student, class name is Ye I am honored to participate in this time of the student cadres Time flies, in the twinkling of an eye is a summer, everything is in completely Unsuspectingly when I was waiting at the crossroads of life, God I am a clear indication, let me in the school to pursue his So I packed up and embark on a journey full of No matter how the road ahead, I will never bow down to earth, tomorrow to Because my goal is to conquer yourself, never regret!

"Although I do not have to be the man, who will make it happen" magnanimous mind, no "have sailed the seven seas hard water, e_cept Wushan not cloud life epiphany, but I believe that my life is beautiful now fighting the storm in the flying e_hibition, e_hibition Go ride the wind and waves Bi Shumin once said:" I am not beautiful, but I have "Because of self-confidence, because confidence, Guan Yunchang start a solo run; talent shows itself because of self-confidence, Bill Gates Mao Sui; left school in business; because the confidence for the I have too many dreams and Confidence become a stepping stone in my

Life is wonderful because of hard life because of hard work and full, as long as you work hard, you will not regret it, even if the failure is also a starting point, not worth Only through the blood of the fingers will pop up the swan song of the world, only the broken que arm would be to build up the power to create I often ask myself whether if No, from now on, from the beginning of the ne_t second, up to the hope of the fan, will eventually reach the other side of success, only selected in different

Join the student union cadres is my pursuit and I will study hard, unite classmates, play a leading and e_emplary role in the Everyone can not be perfect in every respect, but as long as the performance out of their own perfect, that is the first step towards success, I firmly believe that: Today I to 2 proud tomorrow 2 will be proud of Not for the best, but to better, please allow me to join the study department together with the students to create a good learning atmosphere!

初三英语演讲稿 第3篇














初三英语演讲稿 第4篇

Dear schoolmates,

As I am graduating. Looking back to the past three years, I find that I have bee more mature. I have been aware of the importance of learning knowledge, which is beneficial to my future. What impressed me a lot is the help that my teachers and parents offered when I was in trouble, which supported me during the period. Moreover, I regretted that I didnt work harder. From time to time, facing the pressure, I quarreled with my parents, about which I feel sorry and regretful. To live up to my parents expectation, I will make my effort to work harder in university. It is no doubt that there will be many challenges waiting for me. However, no matter how difficult it is, I will spare no effort to overe it.

When it es to the suggestion that I can give to you, I hold the belief that in no case should you set aside the study. So far as Im concerned, it is the determination of working hard that makes you succeed. I wish all of you would realize your dreams.

Good luck to all of you!

初三英语演讲稿 第5篇

irst of all, we must cultivate students interest in english study. let students in learning to find joy in joy in the interest of interest, found in the determination of decision and perseverance, namely train drivers + to + perserve = interest. of course started to learn english, dont be too hard. guiding students from the simple, funny, funny began to enable students to find suitable for their interest in learning. and they decide to "light" surveys. and allow students to go wrong, dont pursue every word is correct.

secondly, the students have interest, help them to plan. watch english materials and listen to english radio, looking for learning environment, life is much, learn english and have much broader, take every chance to exposure to english. in class, students try to speak in english, usually between classmates exchange, encourage students to use english, dont be afraid of making mistakes the wrong. to establish weekly learning new words in the target, the vocabulary, records recorded all sorts of new words and phrases. because learning english must have vocabulary as the foundation, will play a protracted war, remembering words to guerrilla warfare. can make them more "to" surveys.

learning english as friends, in different occasions contact might remember, not isolated words and remember its neighbors. it is necessary to guide students to read, this of learning english is very important to have more understanding of western culture and western learning habit, master of language background is also an important way of learning. then two chinese ppc to achieve. we finally achieved the goal ", two surveys to two chinese to spending."

finally, let students enjoy happiness in suffering, more study is interesting, from passive to active, change from me to learn to learn.

初三英语演讲稿 第6篇
















初三英语演讲稿 第7篇

Dear school leaders, angel like teachers, children in bud:

Good morning, everybody.

Today, I am a junior college graduate student and vice president of student union as my last speech at Zhao Lin junior high school. Three years, the end of junior high school life, three years of life, such as knife like wind, such as sword, came hurriedly, also hurried, time leisurely, the years leisurely. In three years of life, you may be sad for yourself, to pain yourself, to hate yourself, or to blame the teacher, the teacher, the teacher, the drops of life, and the memory of us. We saw that Kay was sitting in a tight seat, enjoying his love in his work. The summer breeze is like a temple of old wine, the tree of Lin Yuan, the people of Lin Garden are a little drunk. Today we will take a small drunken step and take the old boat ticket with faith.

We have the youth, we should dare to struggle, youth is the starting point of the dream, after you walk, you will find that my future is not a dream; youth is the capital of people, after you walk, you will find that the mature you will not be poor; youth is the platform of life, after walking, the heart of the dream will sail to the next station. Life is no more than a mountain, outside the Castle Peak outside the building, life is rich and free. Once we chased crazy, flock fighting, now when we know the courage to face, once did not understand the world, eat and drink pleasure, now should be the chair of needle felt, rock pavement, Enron never move. The writing of the pen is no longer wild and proud. It is written in a small brush. It is written in a small print. It is really exquisite and real.

When we met again after many years, looking back at a smile, Yunlong brother was safe. I hope that each of us has a happy life, a tender smile, a bitter smile, and a long smile on the sky. I laugh from across the sky. Our hearts are beating, blood is burning again, come on, let us chase after the life that is full of anger. Finally, the future of Zhu Lin Garden will be more brilliant.

初三英语演讲稿 第8篇

verytime I am asked what I want to do in the future。 I think a minute and say being a doctor is my dream job。

Doctor is an other kind of artist who does human art by fighting with diseases and making people feel good。 I think it is a pleasure to try my best to bring happiness to others。 It is a feeling of pride and I am fond of it。 In modern life, a mass of people work day and night to seek wealth and as a result they ignore their health。 It is known that strong body is a foundation of beatific life。 I dreamed to be an excellent doctor who can help them have a right to enjoy life again。 Curing people is a doctor's holy responsibility。

Being a doctor is my dream job, now I should study hard to gain more knowledge to reach my goal。




初三英语演讲稿 第9篇

Good morning, my dear teachers

what is friendship? the answers may be different. but one thing is clear that friendship is the most important ingredient in the recipe of life. we cannot live without friendship just as we cannot survive without air and water. friendship gives us a feeling of security and warmth, and friendship encourages us to go ahead all the time.

everyone needs friends and is eager to get friendship. when we feel happy, we can share our happiness with friends. when we feel gloomy, friends will comfort us. if we are arrogant, our friends can persuade us, and they can make us confident and brave when we are discouraged.

friendship is valuable. it can touch your heart and give you hope. many people are proud of having a good friend. true friendship must be sincere and must not have conditions. if you help your friends for no reason but simply because they are your friends, this means that you regard your friends as yourself. this is true friends.

true friendship should be based on mutual understanding, not on mutual benefit. moreover, both must also have similar ideals. if not, their friendship still cannot last long. sometimes, people have good friends when they are young and studying in school. however, after graduation, when they are working in the society, their friendship will soon come to an end.最新初三毕业英语演讲稿

mutual understanding doesn’t always mean that we should know every thing of our friends. it means that they have similar ideals and trust each other. on the other hand, doing similar things can build up the friendship.

in fact, friendship isn’t always easily kept. when you want to keep a friend, you should treat him or her like you want to be treated. keep the secrets that your friend tells you. keep your promise with your friend. share things with your friend. stick up for your friend. we should try our best to protect the friendship from being hurt. as an old saying goes, “friendship cannot stand always on one side.” true friendship should be able to stand all kinds of tests.

because of friendship, our lives are full of happiness. therefore, the more friends we have, the more pleasure we can share with them. let’s say “thank you” to our friends for their love and care. no matter where we go or who we become, never forget to keep the beautiful friendship!

初三英语演讲稿 第10篇







( 1 )英语学习习惯:包括①课前准备的习惯。②专心听讲、认真笔记的习惯。③积极思考,大胆开口的习惯。④严守纪律、服从指挥,能放能收的习惯。⑤美观整洁的书写的习惯。⑥认真思考、仔细答题的习惯。⑦及时改错的习惯。⑧课后自觉复习、跟读、背诵的习惯。⑨实事求是,敢于质疑的习惯。⑩努力拼搏,永不言败的习惯。

( 2 )书写:整洁美观,能正确书写句子、对话和文章。

( 3 )音标:包括①能认读44个国际音标;②能根据音标拼读单词;③能根据辅音字母在单词中的读音和五个元音字母的发音规则,写出单音节词的音标;④能有意识地总结和归纳字母组合的读音规则;⑤掌握句子基本的重音和语调,能正确朗读句子;⑥具有初步的语感。

( 4 )口语:能用英语就日常生活中的常见话题进行约3到5个回合的交流。在教学上,我们首先会想方设法让学生破胆,尤其是较内向的孩子,然后在教学设计中精心准备各种练习任务,让学生有机会“练胆”,最后通过备课组组织的各类英语活动“试胆”,相信在本期的圣诞晚会上能让家长充分领略我们学校学生流利说的英语的能力和风采。

[英文家教的好坏,主要在能否提高英文成绩,而最终还是要能说,能写,这方面完全可以利用现在评价效果比较好的UIABC这样的外教一对一学习的平台,有外教一对一的教学,也有课前课后在线的预复习系统,最重要的是,有15元/节的性价比,使得学员都能用沉浸式学英语的方式,跟着外教一步一步提高英语水平。 ]

( 5 )分层次教学:这是我们英语教学的难点。来自各个地方、各个学校的不同家庭的孩子,英语学习的起始水平差异性很大,我们的教学是按照零起点来设计的,因此没有学过英语或小学英语是玩过来的学生家长完全不用担心,只要配合老师认真监督孩子完成老师布置的各项学习任务,不用补课,一样学好。而我们的优生有三重保障:一是我们的《走遍美国》能为你们提供原滋原味的美语和视听环境,二是我们的《真实趣味读物》能为你补充初一单薄的语言,三是我们的《三点一测》能为你考试获得高分提供适中的拔高学习和训练。另外我们备课组还会为你们选择适中的阅读背诵材料,增大你们的语言输入。







[英语补习的方法,目前网上流行的主要是借助类似UIABC这样的这样的外教一对一英语学习的平台,有外教一对一的教学,也有课前课后在线的预复习系统,最重要的是,有15元/节的性价比,使得学员都能用沉浸式学英语的方式,跟着外教一步一步提高英语水平。 ]

新:富有创新精神,能不断学习进取,对教育理论和各种教材都有一定涉猎,因此在对教材的驾驭上比较[初中英语的学习怎样才能跳出中式英语,家长中认为效果不错的一种方式就是利用UIABC平台上的外教一对一教学模式,在上面选一些外教,根据自己的水平选择相应的教材,15元/节的费用也不算高,一般在2,3个月后都有明显的提升了。 ]




[少儿英语学习的最好方式是找个外教一对一教学,在真正的英语环境中快速学会英语,目前比较流行的外教一对一教学的方式有类似UIABC这样的平台,外教选择性多,且每节最低也只要15元,整体在学员中口碑还是比较高的。 ]




1 、做好孩子的心理准备工作。初一内容较简单,对于小学学过英语的孩子来说似乎没有学头,但由于小学和初中的教学目的、教学内容、教学要求不一样,我们在对教材的处理和理解上也有很大不同,加上我校对学生的要求比其他学校要高,因此在教学的深度和广度上都不一样了,因此孩子很容易由于“轻敌”而逐渐掉队,因此需要家长配合老师做好思想教育工作,让孩子能以空杯的心态来学习。

2 、做好后勤保障:笔、胶棒、本子、资料夹、字典、复读机、磁带

3 、和孩子一起学习英语的学法指导,帮助孩子了解英语学习的科学方法。由于我校学生绝大部分是数学特优生,这些孩子最怕死记硬背,但英语就是一个“死去活来”的学科,没有坚实的字词句基础,就没有灵活运用语言的综合能力。当然“死”有“死”的科学性,记忆力的训练同身体锻炼是一样的,只要不断进行科学的训练就能不断提高。越不背越难背。英语学习不能只靠理解和做题(例子)

4 、周末作业:周都有作业内容及要求的详细说明,请家长监督孩子先制定好完成作业的计划:时间起止点,并逐项检查并在作业要求后逐项签字。






周记:内容包括1分钟赞美; 1分钟反思; 1分钟改进;字典摘抄;英语摘抄;日记。格式自己设计


1 、希望家长与老师的教育能保持一致,这是决定学生能否顺利健康发展的关键因素。我看到大多数发展良好,成绩优异的学生,除了优质的学校教育的因素以外,他们一般都拥有一个健康、和谐、积极向上的家庭教育的氛围,而且做到了学校教育和家庭教育的理念一致,密切配合。如何保持一致呢?首先要严要狠的下心。我们学校的老师管得一般都比较严,以往出现过5+2=0的情况,什么意思呢?就是老师在学校用各种方法规范学生,可一到周末回家,又打回原形,也不自主了,也不独立了,也不文明了,作业也不认真做了,甚至不做还撒谎,家长还帮着撒谎等,还有学生整天挂在网上,成绩直线下降,家长还不知原因。还有现在都是独生子女,家庭条件有好,一周不见,一回家心疼得不得了,。更有甚者,回家叫苦,我在学校可受罪啦,受不了啦,其实他在学校可能比谁都玩得开心。我经常跟学生说,选择了七中育才学校,你就选择了竞争和拼搏!大家应该相信,别人的孩子能适应,我的孩子也能适应。而且我们学校严格的作息安排,孩子在这里生活得很规律、很好。

2 、眼光要远。我校的孩子,都非常优秀,他们将是未来的栋梁,可是分数并不能造就人才。什么是人才?他不仅有学识,还要有教养,还要会与人交流,能适应环境,能自己克服学习生活中的困难,有一个健康的心灵,更有一个开阔的眼界。因此,对这些孩子,不能只看成绩,要看他的综合素质有没有提高。我非常欣赏北京四中李俊如老师的观点,老师要教学生境界教学生眼光。我想家长也有责任将这两样重要的东西教给学生。我常常给家长建议周末和假期一定要让孩子多看课外书,少去补课。多出去游历游历,少做几本习题。另外横向比较,我们的孩子和发达地区的名校的.孩子还是有一定的差距,如何提高自身的实力,也是我们需要未雨绸缪的一件事。

3 、要多沟通。



4 、家长和孩子要有“自知之明”。我想说的是我们要知道孩子的长处和短处,要了解他的能力极限在哪里。有两种家长让我们老师,也让孩子很头痛。一是把孩子逼得太狠,让孩子倍感压力。有个家长女儿年级前50名还很不满意,搞得女儿一考试就紧张;另一种是放任自流,本来孩子潜力很大,很有可塑性,老师不断帮助他前进,可是家长却在一边说可以了,可以了,这样就很棒了。结果是孩子不进反退。每个人都有自己的长处和短处,但每个学生都应该养成全力以赴,做到最好的心理习惯。我评价孩子,就看他是否尽到了努力,只要他做到最好,我认为他就是最棒的。所以我教育学生有个规矩,学习状态和效果都很好的学生,我从不找他们麻烦,也不给他们更多的压力;反之,如果学习态度和效果都不好,那就是严管的对象。就因为如此,有些学生认为我和蔼可亲,而有些却会对家长说我很麻辣。当孩子跟您说我很麻辣的时候,就需要你跟我联系了,因为这意味着您的小孩学习出状况了。

5 、少表扬,多鼓励;少批评,多指导。



初三英语演讲稿 第11篇

Hello everyone, I am _ _ _, from _ _ _, _ years

In my college days, I always think that people should live and learn of my knowledge of the professional, so the results have been strict in demands, are sure that every academic year won three Not satisfied at the same time learn in theory course also pay much attention to the research on the application of software and hardware at the beginning of the fourth It was the teacher trust for the computer room of the responsible

I have broad loving specializes in typesetting and page art and multimedia production, as the class members of the organization also joined the school students of the propaganda Hard work, enthusiasm for work, and a member of the Ministry of solidarity, a year I was promoted by the ministries in the ministry Long pay attention to cooperate with the school Other departments, complete the publicity work, promote a variety of schools to operate more smoothly at the same

School activities are enthusiastic to participate in 20__ to 20__ by the School Civic quiz competitions and Bold and innovative reform of the school newspaper, the newspaper as the rate of increase to a The school activities are enthusiastic to participate in the April 20__ by the third-prize school web As a student I have also repaired their focus on the social In the application, combined with the theory of practice during the summer of 20__ I play computer technology for Lenovo into Hengyang computer in the summer internship I work in Guangdong Huadu handbag company, its Have a solid foundation and strong interest in this aspect I use a week on skilled kinds of design software, after making a large number of e_cellent design, by students and teachers

I love the motherland tradition has the positive attitude towards life and a wide range of interests and hobbies, work a strong sense of responsibility, diligent, has the strong organization ability, propaganda, artistic and creativity, team spirit and collective

初三英语演讲稿 第12篇

Dear teachers, dear classmates:

Hello everyone!

Time flies. In the twinkling of an eye, three years have passed. We must say goodbye to our dear teacher, and we must say goodbye to our classmates. No campus corner has left our footprints. Wherever we go, whatever we see, we can evoke a string of memories.

Thinking back three years ago, we came together with innocence and hope. We are energetic and enthusiastic, and we are full of vision and expectation for the future. In the past three years, we have been enjoying the intense and intense school life in the sweat and feeling the concern of the teacher. In the study, we are in the teachers inculcate teaching gradually sensible, in the teachers patient and meticulous teaching happy learning; in life, we are in the teachers care under the care of the healthy growth, in the teachers care to feel the warmth of the family. Thousands of words do not mean our friendship with teachers. We can not finish our lingering nostalgia for teachers. Three years of study and life, more than 1000 days and nights, a teacher and teacher to talk to the heart of the heart, there is a teachers enthusiastic guidance, by the school leadership of the teachings in the busy schedule. There are encouragement, criticism, communication and guidance, all of which are the most precious wealth in our hearts.

The mid-term exam is, after all, the first most sacred test in our life, and its pressure can be imagined. You know, teacher, your affectionate gaze is our strongest dependence. I believe that all the sweat and ideals of hard work will be transformed into a good news report. We know that it is the best reward for your long selfless dedication.

Yes, we are full of confidence in this. Teacher, I feel your expectations, your eyes. Now I can still remember every smile you have, every time you talk, your every lesson is still fresh in our mind. Without recollection, everything is so vivid and very gratifying. Teacher, we really do not want to talk about leaving, we are deeply attached to you and campus.

We should follow the school style of civilization, enterprising, realistic and innovative. Under the encouragement of the school motto of Ming and Germany, the learning, the diligence and the seeking, we should study hard and innovate under the inspiring of learning good thinking, respecting teachers and keeping discipline, improving themselves and developing harmoniously.

We want to graduate from the alma mater and face the teachers and younger brothers and sisters, we hope that you will cherish the time, study hard and fight hard. Facing the beloved teachers, we wish you health, the smooth work, the peach and plum all over the world; in the face of the dear alma mater, we want to engrave you in the heart, no matter in the future. Wherever we go, we will be proud to say that we are alma mater.

初三英语演讲稿 第13篇

Hello everyone, I am _ _ _, from _ _ _, _ years

In my college days, I always think that people should live and learn of my knowledge of the professional, so the results have been strict in demands, are sure that every academic year won three Not satisfied at the same time learn in theory course also pay much attention to the research on the application of software and hardware at the beginning of the fourth It was the teacher trust for the computer room of the responsible

I have broad loving specializes in typesetting and page art and multimedia production, as the class members of the organization also joined the school students of the propaganda Hard work, enthusiasm for work, and a member of the Ministry of solidarity, a year I was promoted by the ministries in the ministry Long pay attention to cooperate with the school Other departments, complete the publicity work, promote a variety of schools to operate more smoothly at the same

School activities are enthusiastic to participate in 20__ to 20__ by the School Civic quiz competitions and Bold and innovative reform of the school newspaper, the newspaper as the rate of increase to a The school activities are enthusiastic to participate in the April 20__ by the third-prize school web As a student I have also repaired their focus on the social In the application, combined with the theory of practice during the summer of 20__ I play computer technology for Lenovo into Hengyang computer in the summer internship I work in Guangdong Huadu handbag company, its Have a solid foundation and strong interest in this aspect I use a week on skilled kinds of design software, after making a large number of e_cellent design, by students and teachers

I love the motherland tradition has the positive attitude towards life and a wide range of interests and hobbies, work a strong sense of responsibility, diligent, has the strong organization ability, propaganda, artistic and creativity, team spirit and collective

I don't know about you this is not able to have a good impression, I hope you to my

初三英语演讲稿 第14篇

the vast historical tide, some successful, some failure; some a fair death honors the whole life, some thing never dies。 ebb and flow, raise a number of "confucius", which is mixed with many "qin gui", carried away, that he wants to succeed by hook or by crook to get success, desire to have at the end of the day is celebrated, and find the right choice, but achievements generation of celebrities。 success, there are many paths, seeking a shortcut, tend to be at the end of the day to understand gave up a optimal choice and effort was not to make choices as it landed at all costs。

reese, a desire for success, but "achievement" his "disease xian can envy", he should have been a generation of names, for the emperor should share, from a desire for success, by hook or by crook, he hit the han fei, creates the tragedy of burying confucian。 history is suppressed, the trend of the development of culture is suppressed, qin, reese also destroyed, people took down the emperor, also remember the lis。

and qu yuan, created a new genre of chinese literature, in a new way to the right interpretation of chinese culture。 mr yu optimal such a sentence: "the era of cultural celebrities, the more often not patible with his age。" qu yuan is no exception, he king, dragon's loyal due diligence, was shangguan doctor again and again of slander, and king huai, in the adulation of again and again to please blinds, unexpectedly also close, far from xian。 qu yuan to get the release time of exile, destroyed, chu qu yuan died also。 can he live in people's hearts, the spirit of eternal。 "world-wide all muddy i alone, public all drunk i wake up alone, 500 - word article 15 and successful position

once together at the same time, but reese is celebrated "disease virtuous envy can" synonymous with, they are eager to be the world recognize, in their time, reese seems to be just, and qu yuan, under the scholar of whitewash, he lost, lost to their eras。

today, history proves that everything: qu yuan remain through the ages, reese thing never dies。

investigate the root cause, they choose different, however, made of qu yuan, has produced reese。

need a lot of success: timing, location, and; one percent talent and ninety-nine percent effort, but the most important thing is how to choose, the right choice is necessary for success。 nature is the choice of drop of water in the sea, and it will never dried up, the eagle chose the blue sky, so it's achievements dream。








初三英语演讲稿 第15篇

Nothing is difficult if you put your heart on it。 Nothing is easy if you don’t try your best。

We often hear people say, “Never give up。” This can be encouraging words and words of determination。 A person who believes in them will keep trying to reach his goal no matter how many times he fails。 In my opinion, the quality of determination to succeed is an important one to have。 Therefore, I believe that we should never give up。

One reason is that if we give up too easily, we will rarely achieve anything。 It is not unusual for us to fail in our first attempt at something new, so we should not feel discouraged and should try again。 Besides, if we always give up when we fail, we will not be able to develop new skills and grow as people。 Another reason we should never give up is that we can learn from our mistakes only if we make a new effort。 If we do not try again, the lesson we have learned is wasted。 Finally, we should never give up because as we work to reach our goals, we develop confidence, and this confidence can help us succeed in other areas of our lives。

Probably the greatest example of persistence is Abraham Lincoln。 Born into poverty, Lincoln was faced with defeat throughout his life。 He lost eight elections, twice failed in business and suffered a nervous breakdown。

He could have quit many times - but he didn't and because he didn't quit, he became one of the greatest presidents in the history of our country。

Lincoln was a champion and he never gave up。

In short, it is important that we don’t give up when working for our goals。 Whether we succeed in the end or not, we will learn something, and what we learn will help us to bee better, more confident people。 Furthermore, if we give up, we have no chance of attaining our goals, but if we keep trying, there is always a chance that we will succeed one day。Thank you very much!





他能够放下很多次 - 但他并没有因为他没有放下,他成为我国历最伟大的总统之一。



初三英语演讲稿 第16篇

ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,

i am chinese。 i am proud of being a chinese with five thousand years of civilization behind。 i’ve learned about the four great inventions made by our forefathers。 i’ve learned about the great wall and the yangtze river。 i’ve learned about zhang heng and i’ve learned about zheng he。who says the yellow river civilization has vanished?i know that my ancestors have made miracles on this fertile land and we’re still making miracles。 who can ignore the fact that we have established ourselves as a great state in the world, that we have devised our own nuclear weapons, that we have successfully sent our satellites into space, and that our gnp ranks no。 7 in the world? we have experienced the plunders by other nations, and we have experienced the war。 yet, based on such ruins, there still stands our nation----china, unyielding and unconquerable!

i once came across an american tourist。 she said, “china has a history of five thousand years, but the us only has a history of 200 years。 five thousand years ago, china took the lead in the world, and now it is the us that is leading。” my heart was deeply touched by these words。 it is true that we’re still a developing nation, but it doesn’t mean that we can despise ourselves。 we have such a long-standing history, we have such abundant resources, we have such intelligent and diligent people, and we have enough to be proud of。 we have reasons to say proudly: we are sure to take the lead in the world in the future again, for our problems are big, but our ambition is even bigger, our challenges are great, but our will is even greater。

i am chinese。 i have inherited black hair and black eyes。 i have inherited the virtues of my ancestors。 i have also taken over responsibility。 i am sure, that wherever i go, whatever i do, i shall never forget that i am chinese!


我是中国人。我很自豪作为一个中国人的五千年的礼貌。我了解了四大发明由我们的祖先。我学到关于长城和长江。我学习了张衡和了解了郑和。谁说黄河礼貌已经消失了?我明白我的祖先让奇迹在这肥沃的土地,我们还制造奇迹。谁能忽略了一个事实,我们已经建立了自我作为一个伟大的国家在世界上,我们设计了自我的核武器,我们已经成功地发送卫星进入太空,我们的国民生产总值排行。世界上7 ?我们经历过其他国家的掠夺,我们经历了战争。然而,基于这样的废墟,还有代表我们国家——中国,不屈的和不可征服的!



